Cyber Crisis Exercises

Learn how to deal with a cyber security incident through interactive workshops and simulated scenarios.

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Do you know if your organization is well prepared for a cyberattack? Who are the first points of contact? What are everyone's responsibilities, and what do you expect from each other? How quickly can you intervene, and what are the follow-up steps?

Realistic exercises

Secura's extensive involvement in current cybersecurity best practices means that our crisis exercises are highly realistic. This means your crisis teams get the chance to practice their response in a setting that is as close to real life as possible. Your exercise design and delivery team will be made up of technical cybersecurity specialists as well as crisis management experts.

  • Our incident response experts directly support customers impacted by cyber attacks so they are best placed to provide insight into how current attackers work.
  • Our Red Teaming specialists are constantly finding new ways to compromise organizations, which helps make our simulations realistic.
Check in circle

Gain insight into your crisis response capabilities

Work together 2

Train your crisis teams

People and technology together

Combine crisis and technical expertise


Secura helps large and medium sized organizations all over Europe raise their cyber resilience. We know the importance of practicing the management of a cyber crisis before it occurs. You will discover how well your organization is prepared for handling a cyber attack. And on which points you can improve, like appointing a crisis team and updating procedures.

Choosing the right exercise

Secura offers different types of cyber crisis exercise. Selecting the right exercise will depend on your exercise objectives, your target audience and your organizations exercise program maturity.

Operational: Do you want to exercise the immediate response to a cyber incident? Secura can tailor exercise to suit your operational response teams. Whether that’s your site business continuity team, cyber response team or your wider operational response groups.

Tactical: Secura can also deliver crisis exercises designed to provide your wider tactical crisis management teams with an understanding of the impacts of cyber incidents. This could be your regional crisis management team or your wider senior management functions including Human Resources, Property Management, Communications, for example.

Strategic: Cyber incidents often go beyond just the immediate technical response and require strategic long-term decisions to be made. Exercises can therefore also be delivered to your executive or board crisis teams to allow them to gain confidence in responding to a complex cyber scenario.

For industrial environments with Operational Technology (OT) and Industrial Control systems (ICS) we offer a special OT Tabletop Cyber Crisis Management Workshop.

Different types of Cyber Crisis Exercises


Are you thinking of holding your first crisis exercise? Or do you want to test a new plan or cyber crisis playbook? This simple exercise guides participants through a scenario in a controlled discussion-based format.


To make things a little more realistic, you can try a tabletop exercise. Participants will be provided with simulated scenario updates and have to work together as a team to respond.

We have a Tabletop Exercise specifically designed for Ransomware.


Is there a specific area of response capability you’d like to exercise? A new crisis communications team you’d like to run an exercise by? Or new equipment or software you want to practise? Then this may be the exercise for you.

Live – Full Scale

Has your crisis team been through several tabletops? Are you looking for something closer to reality? Do you want to exercise the interaction and communication between your operational, tactical and strategic crisis teams? A live or full-scale exercise contains more realistic scenario injects, to really bring the complexities of crisis response to life.

Gold Teaming

This is the ultimate cyber crisis exercise and Secura’s unique selling point. Rather than a hypothetical scenario, what if your crisis teams had to coordinate the response to a real-life ransomware attack? Secura’s technical experts will hack into your critical applications. Their findings are used by our crisis experts to design a crisis scenario for your senior teams.

Steps in cyber crisis exercises



During preparation, we discuss the final scope of the exercise, our approach, the planning, and the desired results with you. We then collect relevant documentation about your IT environment and the crisis infrastructure within your organization. We then create a realistic scenario for the exercise.


Performing the CRISIS EXERCISE

We conduct a highly realistic incident simulation, during which participants respond to a series of incident updates. We provide simulated notifications during the exercise, as well as supervision and observation.



After the exercise, we provide a memo of the observations made during the exercise. This contains the lessons from the exercise and recommendations for the crisis teams, that can be used to improve incident response and crisis management within your organization.

Contact me

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Why choose Secura | Bureau Veritas

At Secura/Bureau Veritas, we are dedicated to being your trusted partner in cybersecurity. We go beyond quick fixes and isolated services. Our integrated approach makes sure that every aspect of your company or organization is cyber resilient, from your technology to your processes and your people.

Secura is the cybersecurity division of Bureau Veritas, specialized in testing, inspection and certification. Bureau Veritas was founded in 1828, has over 80.000 employees and is active in 140 countries.