Operational Resilience

We can help you comply with EU and UK regulations related to operational resilience, for example by conducting cyber impact tolerance testing.

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Why operational resilience is important

Operational resilience is essential for making sure your business remains operational in the face of disruptions, such as cyber attacks or technical malfunctions.

A well established operational resilience program will make sure your organization has the necessary tools in place to anticipate and respond to evolving threats. It's not just about addressing current issues. It's also about preparing for potential future challenges, so that your business can adapt and stay secure.

Secura can support you in complying with UK and EU regulations on Operational Resilience (for instance DORA), particularly in undertaking cyber impact tolerance tests.

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How Cyber Impact Tolerance Testing works

Do you know how resilient the critical resources supporting your important business services are? If a criminal was able to compromise some of your or your supplier’s key systems, could you recover within your impact tolerance timeframes? Our targeted cyber impact tolerance tests help you determine this.

  • First, we analyze the vulnerabilities that exist within your critical applications and resources
  • We then organize impact tolerance testing workshops. These reveal how key business areas would respond to a crisis and which contingency options you have in place to be able to recover within impact tolerance timeframes.

We can also deliver impact tolerance tests without an in-depth review of critical applications. Our facilitators will design and deliver severe but plausible scenarios that test your business capabilities to remain within impact tolerances.

How we support you

Secura helps large and medium sized organizations all over raise their cyber resilience. We know the importance of testing your ability to remain within impact tolerance levels under severe but plausible disruptions.

Steps in Impact Tolerance Testing


Preparation and kick-off

During the preparation, Secura agrees with you on the final scope of the test, our approach, the planning, and the desired results. We organize a kick-off meeting to discuss the project. Then, with your permission, we collect relevant documents regarding your important business services and the response structure within your organization.


Resilience Assessment

Secura's cyber specialists will conduct a review of your critical applications supporting one or multiple important business services. Their aim is to identify how vulnerabilities impact the resilience of your important business services.


CYBER Impact Tolerance Test

The final part of the test is built around a simulated incident. During this simulation, participants respond to a series of incident updates. The simulation uses information identified during the resilience assessment.


Evaluating the results

After the impact tolerance test, Secura provides a memo of the observations made. This memo contains the lessons we learned from the test. It also details recommendations for improving the resilience of your important business services.

Contact me

Are you interested in our Operational Resilience services? Fill out the form below and we will reach out to you within one business day.


Why choose Secura | Bureau Veritas

At Secura/Bureau Veritas, we are dedicated to being your trusted partner in cybersecurity. We go beyond quick fixes and isolated services. Our integrated approach makes sure that every aspect of your company or organization is cyber resilient, from your technology to your processes and your people.

Secura is the cybersecurity division of Bureau Veritas, specialized in testing, inspection and certification. Bureau Veritas was founded in 1828, has over 80.000 employees and is active in 140 countries.