A first-of-its-kind crowdsourced Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR) book by the Digital Forensics Discord Server members has been published to share knowledge amongst each other and the community.
A couple of months ago a couple of experts in the digital forensics community banded together and came up with a plan to publish an open-source book and share knowledge. The book, The Hitchhiker's Guide to DFIR: Experiences From Beginners and Experts has become a reality and is now available for free at Leanpub.
The content is broad and ranges from forensics basics, investigating mobile Android apps, reverse engineering, forensic acquisition (written by our digital forensics expert Guus Beckers) and much more. It’s well advised to take a look!
This is only the beginning and future versions of the book are already being planned. If you want to contribute, feel free to drop by on GitHub or the Digital Forensics Discord Server.