Secura recognized lab for GSMA IoT Security Assessment


GSMA has recognized Secura and placed it on the list of laboratories offering the GSMA IoT Security Assessment compliance as a service (

The GSMA IoT Security Assessment provides a scalable way of validating the security of your IoT products, in line with state-of-the-art security best practices. The framework is split into Critical, High, Medium and Low recommendations, which the manufacturers of IoT products can consider while designing and evaluating their solutions. The framework addresses security topics such as secure boot, physical security, cryptography, software and application security, interfaces and secure product administration, as well as life cycle elements such as the supply chain or software updates. Demonstrating compliance with this internationally recognized framework can help manufacturers in determining possible gaps in their products’ security, as well as obtaining an advantage in the crowded and dynamic IoT market.

Secura is using the GSMA IoT Security Assessment as part of its IoT Security Lab set of services. Services could include assessment against the whole range of recommendations, as well as tailoring of the framework, with the focus on a specific type of recommendations (ex. Critical recommendations) or specific focus areas (ex. Hardware security, interface security, etc.).