SAFE program explained

How does SAFE work? Watch these 5 short videos to find out more

How SAFE works


1. Focus on safe behavior as end goal

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2. Combine cybersecurity and psychology

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3. Focus on all factors of behavior

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4. Measure what your employees need for safe behavior

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5. Match the specific needs of your employees by tailored interventions

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Do you have a question about our SAFE Security Awareness Program? Contact us now.



SAFE - Security Awareness & Behavior Program

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How do you raise cybersecurity awareness of your people? Discover Secura's SAFE Program to promote cyber safe behavior in your organization.

Theory Behind SAFE

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There is no "one size fits all" solution for awareness & behavior. Every target group/organization is different. Therefore, a toolkit is carefully put together with various interventions. Continuous attention is of most importance. Behavior is the result of capacity, motivation, and opportunity.

SAFE in practice

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The SAFE program starts with a baseline measurement that defines the program's goals. The current behavior, knowledge, and personal/organizational factors are measured. The SAFE basic program addresses capacity, motivation, and opportunity.

Our SAFE Team

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Meet our SAFE team, the security awareness, and the behavior change program. The SAFE team consists of experts in behavior change, including psychologists and behavior consultants.


Secura is a leading cybersecurity expert. Our customers range from government and healthcare to finance and industry worldwide. Secura offers technical services, such as vulnerability assessments, penetration testing and red teaming. We also provide certification for IoT and industrial environments, as well as audits, forensic services and awareness training. Our goal is to raise your cyber resilience.

Secura is a Bureau Veritas company. Bureau Veritas (BV) is a publicly listed company specialized in testing, inspection and certification. BV was founded in 1828, has over 80.000 employees and is active in 140 countries. Secura is the cornerstone of the cybersecurity strategy of Bureau Veritas.